Friday, September 25, 2009

Ragsdale Vs Parkland

The team kept things rolling last night. The team had their first shutout of the season and the offense played exceptionally effiencent. Darius McQueen scored his second TD in 2 weeks on a fumble recovery.

I spoke briefly with Coach Giles after the game. He said he felt that we are still improving. I agree. I see our offensive line looking more confident with each game. Luke Heavner played well last night in a game where we did not throw as much. When we did throw the ball he put it on the money. Desean Anderson had another receiving TD as did Luke "Uno Uno" Sonricker. I do not keep stats but If I recall correctly Tutu caught 2 balls and threw a TD. If he keeps improving his best months may be when we need him most - November and early December.

I talked with Elliott Cobb last night too. Elliott informed me that he did not hold. Even though the ref called it on him. It's a fact that if you ask any offensive lineman if they have ever held they will say - NO! On the other hand, if you ask a defensive lineman if offensive line ever holds they say - Every PLAY! As a former high school offensive lineman and the father of an offensive lineman I personally have never seen a lineman from a team I played for or pulled for hold. In fact I felt that Caleb Cates had a great block on the TD pass against SEG last year.

I need photos! Somebody please put them on FLickr so that I can add to the blog.

Below are the videos I found from the game last night.

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